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- Every person is a new door to a different world
Every person is a new door to a different world
A year has almost passed since I started my trainee career in Elkem and I am already well underway with my second rotation in the Oslo headquarter. My first period was in Elkem Salten placed not far from Bodø, north in Norway.
The best part with the trainee career, in my opinion, is the opportunity for adversity. Both socially and academically. During this time, I have had the opportunity to meet a lot of new people and places, but also learn a lot of different things academically. In this way, it is easier to be able to find a career path and interests that suit you earlier in your career. As a trainee in Elkem, I have also been privileged to influence and define my tasks. In this way, I have found out what I like to work with, and what’s less interesting.
During my first rotation in Elkem, I worked with maintenance and with 3D modelling in the software SolidWorks. I found out early that I really like spending time with 3D modelling and the result after 8 months in Salten, was a 3D overview of the raw material part of the plant. Elkem plants often consist of very many conveyor belts that transport the raw material to the heart of the plant, the furnace, where the action is happening. This is also the case for Elkem Salten, that has kilometres of conveyor belts. After a lot of measuring, analysing old 2D drawings and many trips through the raw material plant, the 3D model could be constructed. This work gave me a good overview of the raw material flow and made me able to understand the maintenance part better, where I did a consequence classification of the conveyer belts and relevant machines in the raw material plant. This work together with some previous knowledge with CAD software’s has given me the opportunity to continue to work with 3D modelling and construction in the headquarter in Oslo.
An overview of the raw material part of the plant in Salten. Made in SolidWorks. It includes several kilometers of conveyor belts, which requires a lot of maintenance.
Close-up picture of the ‘’silotopp’’ where the raw materials are stored for a short time.
During my time as a trainee I have had the opportunity to explore new parts of Norway. During our trainee gathering we had in Bodø in August, we did some hiking in the beautiful mountains around Bodø. But the most exciting part was the RIB (a special boat) trip to Saltstraumen.
This was a fun and different experience where we first drove through the Saltstraumen which is one of the strongest tidal currents in the world. After this we went up to eat at a place called Tuvsjyen, an old-fashioned inspired place that was supposed to illustrate how people from the stone age era lived and ate.
The dinner at Tuvsjyen with a woman from the stone age
The RIB boat trip. A different and awesome experience.
After several trips to Kristiansand attending several courses within different disciplines with the rest of the trainee group and a social gathering at Hafjell, the group is starting to get well known, and the trips together are always a pleasure. During this spring, I and the trainee Åsmund decided to visit Otto, who is a trainee that has his final rotation at the plant in Lyon. During this trip, we also visited the Silicone plant there, which was a totally new educational experience. The wide range of silicone things and other applicable areas that are made with the use of silicon were an eyeopener.
Two bad boys (Åsmund and Otto) on el-scooters exploring Lyon.
If you don’t snap it, it doesn’t count. Otto and me outside the Silicon plant, Saint Fons in Lyon.
I am looking forward to continuing with the 3D modelling and construction experience here in Oslo where I for sure will gain a lot of useful experience. So far, I am participating in several projects from different plants, and it is interesting to see the furnace from a different point of view. Here, I am seeing parts of the furnace before it is constructed which is giving a more detailed perspective.
So far, it has been a cool experience and I am looking forward to continuing the journey, explore new areas and interests. Hopefully, I will meet a lot of new people and places and learn a lot of new stuff. See you!